To be a SONE

I tried to find this post after he closed his blog and I found it. 
 Anonymous asked:
i always see comments saying "youre not a sone if..." ive been following snsd for almost a year & still hesitate to call myself a sone because i kinda feel unworthy. i dont own physical albums but still buy their songs on itunes havent memorized all their lyrics- just the chorus and parts of verses. but i love all 9, try to stay up to date, talk to other fans, and learn about the girls through forums, tumblr, etc. & theyre the only kpop group i truly care about. can i consider myself a sone?

Don’t let people define you.

In my mind, a SONE can be summarised in one line:

"Someone who supports all nine girls positively."

It doesn’t mean you have to love all nine equally.
It doesn’t mean you can only love SNSD.
It doesn’t mean you have to own all the merchandise.
It doesn’t mean you have to do amazing things for the fandom.
It doesn’t mean you have to know everything there is to know.

Be a good fan. Realise all nine are important for SNSD.
That’s all that should ever be expected from you as a SONE.
Anything more than that is a bonus.
I know this is his opinion. But I agree with him.

If someone out there said "to be a SONE you must only love SNSD. you must to be a hardcore fan. If you love other groups you're not a SONE." Ask him/her, who are you? Even SM has never said something like that.  Remember, there is no such rules to be a SONE.

To be a SONE its simple, you just have to support the nine girls in a positive way. Just like what Oniontaker wrote anything more then that is a bonus.

Be a good fan. Realise all nine are important for SNSD.
That’s all that should ever be expected from you as a SONE.
